Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A Scary Cat Day

It was nearly noon and the trip to the grocery store had taken longer than I wanted. All three of us were cranky.  Grocery shopping takes more energy than I ever think it will. And, it really wears out the children!  I finally checked out, wrestled them into the car, and drove toward home.

“Mommy, I’m hungry. I‘m thirsty too. How long till we get home? Will it rain today? What color is the moon? Do fish have teeth? Christopher won’t be quiet!”  (Do questions ever end??!)

Even getting out of the car is a chore!  My 10 month-old son was fussing loudly and was heavy on my right arm in the car carrier while my other arm was loaded with grocery bags.  “Go straight into the house please,” I instructed  27 month- old Marilyn who  slowly walked up the front porch stairs in front of me. I felt like a shepherd, herding her toward the door…time for lunch and naps. “Please hurry! Mommy is TIRED”.

She suddenly stopped, screamed, and ran to the other end of our wide front porch. There was a kitty near our front door. Not our kitty – a strange kitty– a big, hairy CAT.  She was terrified!   Speaking soothing words to Marilyn, I walked calmly past the cat to the door.   It looked at me – I looked at it – it didn’t move.  I unlocked the front door being careful not to drop bags or baby. “Come on sweetie, mommy sees the cat.  The cat won’t get you.”  I shooed the cat. It lazily walked a few feet from the door.  Marilyn was not moving.  “Honey, I wont let the cat hurt you.”  “The CAT, THE CAT!” she wailed.  Holding the door open I said, “The kitty will not hurt you, just please run on into the house.” “NO, NO, it’s a BIG CAT!” she whined.  Frustrated, I said, “Marilyn, look at me. Don’t look at the cat.  Walk to ME and come in the house.”  She didn’t move.  (Arms are aching now).  “Please honey – don’t look at the cat.  I will not let the cat hurt you. Look at me.”  I was begging…rather LOUDLY now – the baby was crying and I was on the brink....  “SWEETIE!  If that cat comes anywhere near you, I will KICK IT AWAY!”
Finally!  After much coaxing she took a tentative step, looked at me, then the cat, then me, the cat, me, cat, and RAN past me into the house.  WHEW!  I turned to the cat, stomped my foot and said, “SCAT”!  The strange cat flew off our porch – we never saw it again.

Later, I pondered that episode, and had an “AHA” moment. (I hope you have those occasionally).  How like our Father to show me something profound in a typical “mothering” day.  A silly cat moment became this lesson:  I am that scared little girl – afraid of the “cats” in my life. The Father is urging me, “Look at ME – not the cats.  Keep your eyes on me – I will not let the ‘cats’ hurt you.  Walk the way I will show you. I am a good shepherd, herding you to a safe place.  I have set before you an open door. Trust ME, rely on ME”.

WOW - I have found ‘mothering’ to be the place where I learn the most about God’s ‘Fathering’.
Today, in your mothering, ask the Father to show you how your parenting can reflect His parenting.  He is able to KICK THE CAT!

“I will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Me, because he trusts in Me.” Isaiah 26:3
“The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing… He guides me along the right paths for His name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of “CATS” I will fear no evil, for He is with me….” Psalm 23:3NIV